10 Must Consider Positive Vastu Tips For Home

Vastu Tips

Don’t you want your home to be an abode of positivity and absolute happiness? That’s why you must equip your house with the best vaastu tips to help you out. 

While some just shun the age-old practices in this modern era, letting go of our ancient Indian science of positive energy and alignment is not the right path. After all, with the right Vaastu tips for home, you can welcome a burst of auspicious energy that makes way for abundant wealth, health, and happiness. 

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian architectural and design philosophy that prescribes guidelines for harmonizing structures with natural and cosmic energies to promote well-being and prosperity. It offers you principles related to spatial arrangements, orientation, and placement of elements in buildings. When you apply these Vastu tips for home, it can change your life for the better. Let’s dive in to know more! 

Top 10 Vastu Tips for Your Home

Your home is your sanctum, your precious space that’s with you through thick and thin. So, why not make sure this space always exudes prosperous and positive energy? Vaastu tips are said to influence physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of our lives, changing it for the better. Here are 10 top vastu tips for positive energy in home to help you out.

Home Entrance 

According to Vaastu tips, it’s always best to align the main entrance of your home or workspace facing the north, northeast, or east to invite positive energy into the space. Avoid south or southwest-facing entrances, as they are believed to bring negative energy. You can also follow these Vastu tips for home entrance for added benefits: 

  • ​​Choose a door size that is neither too small nor too large.
  • Opt for high-quality materials for the entrance door.
  • Decorate the entrance with auspicious symbols, such as rangoli.
  • Ensure the entrance is well-lit.
  • Keep the entrance clear of obstacles.


As per Vaastu tips, make sure you have your kitchen in the southeast direction to enhance positive energy. It is believed that the cook must face east while preparing meals. Some Vastu tips for kitchen include:

  • Maintain cleanliness always 
  • Use calming colors
  • Incorporate natural light
  • Avoid placing the kitchen under or above a bathroom 
  • Keep the gas stove away from the sink to promote harmony


For a Vastu-compliant Mandir, place it in the northeast direction and make sure the idols face west or east. Maintain a peaceful atmosphere to invite positive energy for spiritual practices and devotion. Some vastu tips for mandir in flat include:

  • Avoid placing mandir under stairs 
  • Keep the Mandir clutter-free
  • Make sure it is well-lit
  • Adorn your temple with auspicious symbols


In Vastu for bedrooms, the bedroom should be in the southwest direction and you must place your bed in the southwest corner to improve stability and promote restful sleep. A few bedroom vastu tips you must include are:

  • Avoid positioning the bed under overhead beams or against shared walls with bathrooms 
  • Choose calming colors like blue or green
  • Keep the room clutter-free for positive energy flow
  • Place electronic devices away from the bed as per Vaastu tips 

 Dining Table

Place the dining table in the northwest or southeast direction to align with Vastu principles. Be mindful of the shape. It can be either rectangular or square. The head of the family should face east while dining for positive energy flow. A few dining table and kitchen vastu tips include:

  • Maintain a clutter-free dining area  
  • Avoid positioning the dining area near the entrance or in the center of the house

Five Elements

Vastu highlights the balance of the five elements, which include earth, water, fire, air, and space. You can always design your space in a way that these elements are present in different areas of your home or office to create equilibrium and promote harmony. Make a note of these vastu tips for money luck using five elements:

  • Use clay or ceramic pots for decoration
  • You can add water features like a fountain or an aquarium 
  • Place candles or create a fireplace in the southeast to represent fire 
  • Ensure good ventilation and natural air circulation 
  • Keep your space minimalistic and clutter-free according to Vaastu tips

Balancing Energies

One of the easiest Vastu Shastra tips for good luck is to keep your space clutter-free. This helps maintain a balance between positive and negative energies and also makes it visually appealing. Here, it is always best to opt for minimal decor, organize storage, and ensure a mindful arrangement of the furniture. 


Choose colors wisely according to Vastu’s recommendations.This is a one of the best vastu tips for office and home. For example, earthy tones like beige and brown are suitable for living rooms, while bedrooms benefit from calming colors like blue and green. Vibrant colors can be used in social areas to promote liveliness.

Decor Elements

When it comes to Vastu tips for flat, you can always make use of decor elements that bring you prosperity, positivity, and good fortune. Items like plants, mirrors, and artwork when placed properly can enhance the positive energy in the space.

Natural Light and Ventilation

Well-lit and well-ventilated areas are believed to boost positive energy flow and create a more pleasant environment. So, make sure you prioritize natural light and ventilation right from the start. 

General Vastu Shastra

As aforementioned, Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian architectural and design philosophy. It encourages a mindful approach to architecture. Vastu acknowledges the profound impact the built environment has on our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. So, it offers a holistic perspective on creating a balanced and vibrant living space that brings you luck and prosperity. 

Things To Avoid For Vastu Compliant Home

Now that you are well aware of all the Vaastu tips that you must adhere to for a prosperous home and office, let’s take a look at the few things you must avoid.

  • Don’t bring home artwork that’s associated with negativity or depicts anything that adds a sense of sorrow. For instance, a painting that shows people crying. 
  • Shattered glass, broken mirrors, chipped crockery, etc. must be immediately disposed of as they can bring a sense of despair with them.
  • If you enjoy flowers and greenery, choose natural plants and avoid artificial or dry flowers. This can make the flow of positive energy stagnant. 
  • Never keep anything that is associated with death. For instance, taxidermied animals, real animal fur, etc. as they bring with them negative energy.
  • Fix any broken or leaking faucets promptly, as dripping water is believed to bring a financial loss according to Vasstu tips.
  • Avoid keeping cactus or thorny plants inside the house, as they are believed to bring negative energy.
  • Remove dead or withered plants immediately, as they are associated with stagnant or negative energy.
  • Avoid placing a temple or religious altar in the bedroom, as it is considered inappropriate in Vastu.


These were some of the Vaastu tips that can help you live the peaceful life you desire in the comfort of your home. Making your home vastu compliant doesn’t have to be rocket science. Incorporating these tips is easy and helps uplift the space immediately. When you align your home with natural elements and directions, you welcome a positive burst of energy. Try it out! 


1. Why is Vastu so important?

Vaastu tips are important because they promote immense harmony by aligning your home or office with positive energies and enhancing life experiences.

2. What are the implications of non-Vastu Compliance at home?

Non-Vastu compliance may lead to negative energy, health issues, and financial instability, and hinder overall well-being in a home.

3. How to bring positive energy as per Vastu?

To attract positive energy, follow Vaastu tips by using natural light, including symbols of prosperity, keeping your home clutter-free, etc. For detailed information, you can take a look at the above article.

4. Why is decluttering important in Vastu Shastra?

Decluttering is essential as per Vaastu tips as it helps allow positive energy flow, prevents stagnation, and creates a balanced and harmonious living environment.

5. What are some tips for bringing money luck to home?

Some Vastu tips for money luck at home are:

  • Place a healthy, lush plant in the southeast corner
  • Keep the area clutter-free 
  • Use symbols of prosperity, such as a wealth bowl or coins

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